

Gavin Jones is a writer, artist and designer, living on the borderlands between Lancashire and Yorkshire in the North of England.

He studied art and music in Brighton in the late ’80s, and has worked as a bookseller, proofreader, camping gear retailer, supermarket warehouse worker, lecturer, gardener, collaborative artist and events organizer. He has curated international exhibitions on artist’s books, holds regular mushroom foraging walks, has shown films at festivals (including Vancouver and Leeds) and has been a publisher of poetry books, artist’s books, novels and other fiction.



76 thoughts on “About

  1. Thank you for following my blog, and for your generous offer of material for ekphrastic poetry. I always credit the originator for anything I use at Vivinfrance. I look forward to reading more of your work.

  2. Thank you for subscribing to my blog….I stopped here first before visiting any of your writing.
    I live in Maine, USA, near Bangor on the coast but I am originally from the “Cheese state” of Wisconsin, USA.

    • Thanks for stopping by Siggi… greatly enjoy the sound formed style of your poems: so musical. Whereabouts in Wisconsin? We have family near Portage… The cat is most excellent also.

  3. thank you for subscribing to my blog….and love the Cheesewolf name.

    Finally, something funny on the blogsphere! Instead of oh so serious!

    Lady Nyo

  4. Hi. I’ve nominated you for a Liebster Award. Love you blog, and felt more people should too. Head over to my latest post and find out the details. All the best.

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog and nice to get to know you from your interview with Sherry Blue Sky – how awesome to walk the moors where Wuthering Heights was born.

  6. Thank you for following – have bookmarked your interview in my mind – but can tell you right now – any fellow who has walked the moors of Wuthering Heights has re- enlivened my inner young girl’s swoon.

  7. Thank you for following my blog. Going to read your poetry now. And walking the moors sounds incredible. My husband did years ago but now we are in the U.S., alas. Thanks again.

  8. Thank you for visiting and following my blog. Looking foward to seeing more of your posts.. Sonja

  9. Dear cheesewolf (aka Gavin),
    You’ve a wonderful introduction here. I am a fan of ‘click on my face!’ and ‘boaty’ in particular. Looking forward to checking out your poetry! 🙂

  10. Thanks for your comment on my blog, “cheesewolf”! Much appreciated, I’m subscribed to your email list now; looking forward to reading more of your poetry.

  11. This is cool. But why would folks not be tolerant of you? I have a slew of poems written about wolves and ravens probably written in 08 or so. I have no die if they are on my blog.

      • Hi Cheesewolf, I only stumbled across your earlier reply when checking out your like on the Ljubljana post. I am learning this blogging software as I go. I truly appreciate your comment on the travel writing and hope you are enjoying the posts, another couple of months to go on this trip – hope I have the stamina to see it through 🙂 GG

  12. Hello Cheesewolf. Thank you for the being the first person to read and like my blog. I appreciate the encouragement. I need it:-) I am enjoying looking around yours. Best wishes.

  13. Your poems are very beautiful, rustic, of nature inspired, those I’ve read so far. Thank you for visiting my blog, for it made me aware of yours. Will stop by frequently. All the best to you.

  14. Hi thecheesewolf. Thank you for liking my poem ‘ Near The Line’. And for wanting to follow my poetry journey. I will read your work, interesting to read you let visual artist use your poems to help them create. I’ve been thinking myself this would be a good idea. Best Wishes, The Foureyed Poet.

    • Hi Foureyed One: really enjoyed the poem (and your other work on-site). I can’t recommend working with people in other disciplines enough. For poems to find new lives in the creative process and work of others is a fascinating thing. Also, they are not ours once we have written and published them: they belong to anyone who wants them. If someone respects them – for whatever reason – it is humbling, and is, I guess, the point.

  15. Read your interview on Poets United and saw the photos. What a misty, mystic (and quite ‘uncheesy’) place you live in. Envy you. Seems like the place is sculpted in poetry and the inhabitants must speak in poems, some perhaps as good as The Ghost of a Ringtail.

  16. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I fear I cannot compare to your accomplished writings in so many areas, however I can aspire to achieve where I may, as long as I continue t enjoy my scribblings. I feel I could spend much of my time reading your work and do nothing myself so I shall have to be diligent 🙂 Susan

  17. just thought i’d visit a bit to thank you for liking so many of my poems tonight via d’verse. i read all the Song of Ondine poems, so many lines i wanted to cite, so many lyrical word combinations, just sublime poetry to these ears, ty.

    this novice scribbler so appreciates your encouragement, i’ve only been writing poetry since April, so your follow is greatly appreciated. *smiling*

  18. Hello and thank you for stopping by my blog and the follow. I am flattered you liked my poems and thrilled to get started reading your work. Have a nice day and happy writing/blogging

  19. I don’t know what a cheesewolf is, but I love that name. And thank you for reading my blog.

    Lady Nyo

  20. Thanks so much for stopping by Discover Santosha and deciding to follow. I’m honored to have you as a reader!
    I enjoyed reading your interview -sounds like you have a quite contented life..

  21. Hello. Thank you for following my blog. I enjoyed exploring yours. The interview was an excellent read, it is nice to meet you. I love the name thecheesewolf, and of course the yellow. I will return. Have a great weekend.

  22. Appreciate your reading my writing and following the blog. I read several poems of yours; they have interesting similes and metaphors. I did not have any result when clicking on your photo. Best to you and your poetry writing!

    • Hey thanks Cynthia. I’m really enjoying your writing – especially News from a Place Unnamed (maybe it is the wolf?). Thanks for the heads up on the link. It seems to be OK from this end. I know Kindles seem to have a problem with links on the theme I use, it might be that? My theme is a bit old now, but am reluctant to change it. Can be a faff. Best to you.

  23. thanks for following my blog and liking a post! Poetry usually baffles me, but yours works for me. Maybe cause I stop and pay it some attention. Looking forward to more!

  24. Thanks for following my blog! I’m flattered that you like my poems and I enjoyed reading Le Mort. Best of luck to you and don’t stop writing.

  25. Hello, I want to thank you for following my blog, “Beyond The Cracked Window,” it is greatly appreciated. I am truly enjoying your writing and plan to read much more of your work.

  26. Welcome! Thank you for subscribing to follow my blog. I hope you are encouraged, inspired and enjoy the photos I take of life’s events as seen through the lens of my camera.

  27. Hey, thanks for the like on my David Byrne piece. I wasted WAY too much time at work checking out your site and getting wrapped up in poems. I will make sure to stop back regularly. Great job, sir!

    • hey, no problem. There’s some great reviews – and music writing generally, on your site. Have been really enjoying reading through. And it is a genuine pleasure to know I’ve had a small part in helping you slack off: one of the aims of every blogger, surely…

  28. Thank you for the 3 likes, really appreciated. You have inspiring poetry, for all and sundry. My attempt at rhyming 🙂

  29. Thanks for following my blog. Interesting one you’ve got going here. Thanks for sharing. Peace, John

  30. Thank you so much for joining this journey! We would be happy to showcase any talent you may want to submit! Check our calendar page for what’s up and coming!

  31. hi. Thanks for the ‘like’ on my ‘sculpture’ as it took me to a very interesting read (interview). My wife had asked me about the name as you’d done a like or two on some of her pictures so it prompted me to have a deeper look. The poem at the end of the interview is wonderful. I’m a ‘writer’ but only a consumer of ‘creative writing’, though I have been known to pen a haiku or two on my other blog. I’ll be back now and again to enjoy more of your poems.

  32. Hi Cheesewolf. Thanks for the follow on my blog The Reluctant Retiree. You might recall you gave me great positive feedback on my earlier attempts. Much appreciated! BTW, towards the end of our overseas holiday we were up near your way. You might be interested to read the post called A Journey to the North of England: Cartmel and surrounding areas.

  33. Hi Cheesewolf. Hope you had a great Christmas. I was recently nominated for an Awesome Blog Content award and I have nominated you in turn. I do enjoy catching up with your poetry and hope to introduce some new readers to you.

  34. I loved your poem about the raven but couldn’t find “The Garden”and some others you have listed in about. I’m from Lancashire too so it’s a pleasure to see a fellow blogger. Thank you for following me.

  35. Thank you for reading one of my posts on aegosexuality and for following my blog. I have just read your post on American Gothic – a painting that has intrigued me – thank you for your thoughtful comments. I had never ‘seen’ the painting in the ways you describe. (I couldn’t see where to comment directly which is why I’m posting here.) The Lancashire/Yorkshire border… oh, I miss my native north! Perhaps you know that I have a youtube channel wherein I read extracts from my books over stunning video footage of (mainly) County Durham. My northern accent (north-west, not north-east) comes through loud and clear!

    • Thanks for this. I’ll certainly check out the youtube channel! I’m fascinated by all the betweens, ambiguities, nuances, uncertainties and distances that make up our species. Found your post was hugely interesting.

      I’ve recently shifted my blogging over to my .co.uk site, so I’ll double check the where to comment issue. Thanks.

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