The Revelation of the King of the Talking Birds


The dream let loose its chirm of birds,

Each one had words to call the world:

The verbs of night, the howling nouns,

All clichés bursting from their beaks.


And in their flock, right at its heart,

The silent bird, the mystery bird,

Swept all the others round the wood.

It led them, though it never spoke.


The birds had followed through a storm:

Bedraggled, fuddled, half alive,

For news had spread that HE would speak

And tell them all how they should be.


He opened up his awful beak

And to their horror, softly squeaked.



inspired by prompt #5 – Cliche from



17 thoughts on “The Revelation of the King of the Talking Birds

  1. I love the rhythm. It’s beautiful but it makes me think of how people blindly look for and follow trends.

  2. The emperor has no words. Probably better than politicians with words only. I love the phrase, “howling nouns”–great ear!

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